When you create a student's transcript, you should have several years worth of report cards for that student. To create a transcript, go to the transcripts tab for the student do the following:
1. Click hit the Add New button.
2. Enter the following fields prior to creation:
- Title - The title appears at the top of the transcript and describes the transcript for the reader.
- Credit Rate - The credit rate is the number of hours required for one credit. This should be set according to your state's requirements.
- Credit Granularity - The credit granularity is the minimum number of credits that can appear on a transcript.
3. Click the Create button to create the transcript.
You will see a screen like the following:
Scholaric is currently prompting you to select periods for the transcript. Ordinarily, this is done when creating the transcripts and never again. Should you need to change periods later, you can do so using the Select Periods button.
4. To add a period to the transcript, click the green Add button corresponding to the period you want to add.
5. When finished selecting periods, click the Done button.
Your transcript has now been created. The next steps are to edit the header fields and create a PDF.