Here are 5 quick Scholaric tips every user should know:
1) Quickly mark your lesson as complete by clicking on it while holding down the alt key.
UPDATE: Lesson no longer requires time for quick complete.
2) Turn your repeating lessons into a sequence by adding a single numeric range within curly braces. For example:
Lesson {1-17}
will produce Lesson 1, then Lesson 2, then Lesson 3...
UPDATE: Now supports alphabetic ranges, as well as nested sequences. See this post.
3) Make sure you set your default schedule for every course, using the course menu in the planning grid.
4) To change a lesson to a different week, click on the lesson date in the lesson dialog.
5) If you are in a daily routine of grading and updating assignments, grade your days lessons prior to printing out. Scholaric will see that all the day's lessons are complete, and assume you want to print out tomorrow's lessons.