Many of you use Scholaric on an iPad or iPhone. A quick way to launch Scholaric on your iOS device is to create an icon bookmark of the site. Tapping the icon will launch mobile Safari and bring up Scholaric in a tab. Here is how to set it up:
1. Log in to Scholaric in mobile Safari
Go to and log in, like you normally do on your device.
2. Click the Share Icon
It looks like a box with an arrow coming out of it. At the top on an iPad, bottom on a iPhone.
This brings up the share dialog:
3. Select Add to Home Screen
This will put an icon somewhere on your home screen. Note, it may add it to a different screen than the one you are looking at.
4. Drag the Icon Where you Want It
Optionally, move the icon around. This is useful to keep icons you use together.
You can even create folders to keep related icons separated from others. To create a folder, drag one icon on top of another. You may need to rename the folder, as iOS only guesses a folder based on a common category of the two icons.
Happy Planning