Here is how Scholaric Changed in 2014
Letter Grades on Report Cards
Letter grades appear on report cards. By default, they are 10 point scale grades. You can modify the the grading scales to your liking, and even have different scales for different courses, as you may need with advanced classes.
Printout Improvements
Printouts can be both reduced and enlarged. This helps if you printout has an extra page with just a little bit on it, or if your student has vision impairment and needs larger printout. I also added the ability to add page breaks in weekly printouts.
Bumping Earlier
In addition to traditional bumping, you can now bump earlier, for the cases when one is ahead of schedule. It happens, really!
Generating Multiple Lessons Per Day
In addition to Lesson Groups, you can generate multiple lessons per day generation which you would want to use to enter scores for each individual lesson.
Links in Printouts
URLs in printouts became clickable links. Certain links to YouTube videos became embedded videos. TED talks, look out for us!
Switching Periods
You can temporarily switch periods within the report card or grade book. Much better than changing period, running report card, and changing period back.
Color Scheme
You can change the background colors in Scholaric. This helps those of you who have have better taste than I do - that its, all of you.
Payment Processing
I automated the sending of emails when payments failed. Big time saver for me. Great timing, because now I'm switching off of Amazon to Stripe.
That's a lot for one guy to do in his spare time. I'd love to be working on this as my primary job. Help spread the word. More good things coming in 2015.
Happy Planning