Cognitius Time Zone Support

Prompted by a user from Milan, I've just released Time Zone support for Cognitius.

You can set your Time Zone (and any other account info) by clicking on your user name at the top of the page.

This is used to determine the current date - the system time must be converted to local time.  Cognitius uses the current date:

* First to highlight the current day, in the planning grid

* Second as part of the prediction algorithm for lesson printouts.  Cognitius tries to know whether you are printing out today's lessons or tomorrows.  It first tries today's lessons, and if all lessons are complete, it assumes you are printing out tomorrow's lessons.  This is intended to prevent you from having to enter a date every time you print your lessons.

See you on


New Release - Single-Click Completion

Happy New Year!

I just released a new feature to Cognitius, which I'm quite proud of.

It's no big deal, about 2 hours of work.  Nothing fancy, it will just save you a few clicks here and there as you do your grading.

The reason I'm excited about this release is because its inspiration it came from you, the user community.

One of our great users posted on our forum a message, which resulted in this release.  Her idea wasn't adopted exactly, but it got me thinking how things could be better.

The problem is this - when you are grading a lesson which has no score, you click on the lesson, and mark it as completed, and hit the update button.  This user, I happen to know, enters the lesson time when planning, rather than grading.  Therefore, this is three steps to do one thing.  She thought like I do - that this is just wrong.

Now, thanks to you, it's now right.  If you have a lesson you want to mark as complete, you can hold down the ALT key and click on it.  You'll see its color change from blue to black. 

If you happen to do this on a lesson which has no time entered, the dialog will open as usual and the ALT key will be ignored.

I hope this feature helps you.  If you haven't joined yet, please consider joining our Google Group and giving feedback, or emailing me directly.  I REALLY want to hear from you too.

See you on
