Lets Think Big...
Functionality Improvements
Course Sharing - Share an entire course between students, all new lessons are shared by default.
Repeated Lessons Editing - Edit the text and date range of a repeated lesson.
Lesson Resources - Books and other resources needed by a lesson.
Advanced Bumping - Bump multiple times, bump all courses, or override the schedule of the lessons.
Lesson Templates - More advanced repeating lesson formula patterns.
Sharing between users - Share your lessons with your friends, or publish them to be used by anybody. Search for lessons and use for your students.
Lesson Formatting - Bold and italic, lists, hyperlinks, and more in your lesson description.
Transcripts - Enter course descriptions and credits, calculate grade point average
Help for New Users
Videos - explain concepts, demonstrate features using screencasts.
New Marketing Pages - Show more information, give testimonials, videos, integrate social media links.
Marketing and Usage Goals
Advertising - Reach 5000 Homeschoolers through homeschool conference advertising
Launch Affiliate program - Give existing users credit for bringing in new users.
1 Million Lessons - From 149,000 at the end of 2011
Achieve 500 Paying Users - Please tell your friends about Scholaric!