Finishing up a year and starting a new one is a tricking thing for a planner to handle. Some families like to plan ahead and get that next year entered, while they are in the current year. Others like to finish this year, close it out, and plan over break. Still others don't want to even think about next year now. Just take that break, and plan year just-in-time.
However you want to handle it, it's important to understand how Scholaric works, and what not to do.
First, what not to do. Do not delete last year's lessons. Do not delete last year's courses. Do not delete last year's period. Do not change the dates of your current period.
These are all destructive actions, and prevent you from seeing the prior year's data. This is bad, you need to preserve your records over time.
As for what you should do - there are five steps:
Add new courses
This is done by clicking on the courses label. When a course is added, it appears every week in the grid, whether you have lessons in it or not. This means the new course will be visible in your grid for the rest of this year.
Plan the new year
Create your lessons in the new courses as you would for this year. Don't forget the powerful lesson sequence syntax. The new lessons won't show up in your current year's goals, report cards, or grade book.
Add a new period
Create a new period for your new school year. When you do this, Scholaric copies your current period's goals, and grading settings, to try and save you time.
Set new Goals
Should you desire new goals for the new year, you can create them. Goals are tied to the current period, so they won't show up in the current period.
Hide old courses
When you are done planning on the old period, you can hide the courses from it. The courses then only show up in the planning grid for weeks in which they have lessons - meaning that you can always come back to see the grid in all it's glory for years to come.
Change the current period
Finally, when you are truly finished, change the current period. Then your goals, report cards, and grade books will reflect the new year. To view yesteryear's goals, report cards, and grade books, just change the period back, and they are back.
Happy Planning